Distributed labels catalog
A collection of releases available to you from some of the finest underground labels worldwide!
Viral Load- "Backwoods Bludgeoning- Sick Hicks from the Sticks"
Virulency- "Unbearable Martyrdom Landscapes"
Vuist- Mistor Melancholy
Vulvectomy- "Putrescent Clitoral Fermentation"
Waking the Cadaver- "Real Life Death"
Warmagic- Forever War
Warmaster- First War
Wish- Monochrome (digibook version)
Witch Cross- "Axe to Grind"
Witchcraft- Hegyek Felettem
Wormrot- Abuse
Wrathful Plague- "Thee Within the Shadows"
Xalpen- Black Rites
Xalpen- Sawken Xo'on CD
Xalpen\Skan- Oajku Kaope
Xashtur- The Funeral of Being
Yogth-Sothoth- "The Dark Waters are Shaken"